Oppa cow fart, cow fucked I am in for pain! Your uncle tired from my brain! My aunt's a Gipsy! But i am i am in for pain... My father is a Gipsy! I need to puke in my child. Cuz i drank some pepsi! Just got hit on the HEAD HEAD HEAD HEAD HEAD HEAD! I cant be late, im hurrying to shoot the black! Damn. you all know i cant be late. Fish are Frightening! just shoot the black. I cant be late. SHUT? IT! Now gotta go i cant be late! Cant cant cant be late. %!@#!@%@!&^$!@!(*&^. I get my babe! HEIL! I get my babe! HEIL! %!@#!@%@!&^$!@!(*&^. I get my babe! HEIL! I get my babe! HEIL! Justin, Justin, Justin, Justin (Bieber) has to la la la la la la la la llaalaalalalaaaa ahhhh... Oppa cow fart, cow fucked. Oppa cow fart, cow fucked. Oppa cow fart, Gaga penis. Oppa cow fart, Gaga penis.