Oy iz dos a meydele And her name is Freydele. She plays with her dreydele And her name is Freydele. Oy iz dos a meydele.
It’s good to have a little dog To protect the house. It’s good to have a little cat To catch you a mouse. It’s good to have a little cow To give you milk and moo, But what’s the use, please tell me now, Of a girl like you?
Oy iz dos a meydele And her name is Freydele. She plays with her dreydele And her name is Freydele. Oy iz dos a meydele.
Oy am I a meydele And my name is Freydele. I play with my dreydele And my name is Freydele. Oy am I a meydele.
Kh’darf hobn a hintl (I need a dog) Tsu hitn dos hoyz (To protect the house.) Kh’darf hobn a ketsl (I need a cat) Tsu khapn a moyz. (To catch mice.) Kh’hob oykh fil nutzn (I also get a lot of use) Fun unzer ku (from our cow,) Ober tsu vos ken men toygn (But what good) Aza meydl vi du? (Is a girl like you?)
Oy iz dos a meydele And her name is Freydele. She plays with her dreydele And her name is Freydele. Oy iz dos a meydele.