“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.” – George Orwell
it’s a New World Order administration we’re modern slaves on a global plantation Skull and Bones unleashed to take your soul and barmy army to take control
hate! hate! hate! hate! spill your blood for the Vampire state fear! hate! hate! fear is the key mass mind is spayed hate! hate! hate! we’re stolen kidney syndrom progeny it’s fucked up world society
SS Blood and Soil club Bohemian Grove club Earth nuclear garden space weaponing system
prison planet police state freedom based on fear and hate illusion of democracy behind the bars of liberty
protocols of Zion royal blood deception neo-fascist churchgoers mass halucination
deeper down in rabbit hole future script carved in the stone I see the nuclear garden grow choking lungs of earth below I see the nature turning grey it’s fucked up world and fucked society hate! hate! hate!