We are 7h3 5warm w3 ex1st as An 3ntrop1c collect1Ve a 8eau71ful/perfect/Cha0s f0r 7hI5 we hav3 b3come a taRGet of F3aR 8y thos3 Wh0 do n0t und3R57and tH3 po3Try of oUr aCt1on5 3v3Ry sp3ck of aSh Fl0at1ng admID th3 cosm0s 1s ano7her thr3ad woV3n In the Tape5try of our Atroc17ies EverY cry 0f suffer1ng and frustrat10n Is anoth3r s0ng 1n ouR Symphony of t3rr0r EveRy All1anCe c0ll@p53d eV3ry fri3Nd$hip brok3n EVeRy Pilot 83tR@Y3d 3v3ry l1fe tak3N Is ano7her foo7no7e 1n this Dark3st Ch@pter Of 7h3 GalaXy5 Hist0Ry n3W 3d3n will buRn aND 1t will by 0uR HanD