Это Моё собственное, надеюсь вам понравится) Прошу строго не судить, в первый раз и все дела :) Буду ооочень надеяться что вам понравится)
Еще больше меня!:зз ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
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Never Losse Heart
in our world there are black and white good and evil love and hate I know i will be alright even when, I'm not ok inspiration help me cope with grief and i will be easier to go move on I advise you never to lose heart even when it's not possible
i change my life, and life me change I'm feeling calm, and i feel good I know, I am doing my life and I will do so as herself want to
When life puts front of you difficulty say to yourself "I Can do it" and now, you on a stage closer to the dream Dont miss it, hold stronger and everything will be ok
the song come to an end and I hope you have learned the main things to know what you want do what tells the heart Its doesn't let you down I know this for sure i will be doing so will be alright i promise you just smile and move on