I miss your self-destructive side Behind the lines that have gathered underneath your eyes Wave bye, bye to our prime
(Didn’t have) Much of a choice It were this or nothing I told my counsellor but he doesn’t believe in that sort of thing
“One too many mornings did I awake to find my feeling like I might be dying. Now, I’m too tired.”
Remember when you used to say, “When life hands you lemons, karate kick life in the face & push lemons down its cock end”?
Too late to say Dying breed Too soon to admit defeat Nowt anyone would repeat Devil, devil, devil there in me
I miss your self-destructive side With a wife, a child & a life You haven’t got any more time I know that you’ll be fine
But you, me we stood on a cliff daring each other to lift away on an open breeze like a couple of fucking idiots
Enjoy breeding names While I am breathing in drains I’ll see you again someday, old friend
Too soon to say Live in breathe Too late to recall defeat Nowt anyone would believe Good grief, good grief, good grief
To anyone, incomplete To us, it made men concrete They anyway cannot see the devil, devil, devil there in me & the angel in you & the devil in me & the angel in you