Is this my curse? Am I following the same steps I've been running from? Is it worth it? To resist you? My beloved violent intolerance. This is my curse. I am following in your footsteps. I am willing to lay waste to the past. Devour what's to come, I've become you, my beloved . Trapped inside my mind I, I surrender I surrender, A red light shines over my eyes, Trapped inside my mind I, I surrender I surrender, A red light shines over my eyes and I, I surrender to you. This time I wont resist myself. I'm at the edge of the world. The fear before the fall is what makes it worth it. It's what makes us re-think it all. Is this what you want? Every mother and father will die. Every child will one day be broken. You will succumb to the violence. You and I at the mercy of violence.