Góða mamma, myrkrið kemur, myrkrið er nú mær í nánd. Hvar ert tú tá ið á stendur og óttin tekur yvirhond?
Anyway, it’s not as though I had it like those war orphans who died waiting for daylight, withdrawn and limp in makeshift cribs after being fed and carelessly left to fade into dream.
So why do I keep nursing this blame?
I can’t complain.
I can’t complain.
Góða mamma, ljósið brennur, men eg fari at sovna brátt. Ætlar tú ikki at koma og ynskja mær eina góða nátt?
Why do I keep nursing this blame?
I can’t complain.
I can’t complain.
I had my cloth mother, my cloth mother.
Góða mamma, man eg gloyma, gloyma tað ónda eg havi sæð? Langt langt burtur eg meg droymi, men vakni her í sama stað.