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Gyakuten Kenji 2: ~Turnabout from Space!?~ - 2 | Текст песни

Kay: So the jewel thief is an alien!?

Edgeworth: No, that's not what I mean. However, last night at the same place, two things have disappeared. These two things may have some sort of connection. We can't overlook any connection it may be.

Lang: I see. Mr. Prosecutor, you sure do have a point there. Lang Zi says! "Even if there are two holes, there are more than two badgers." It's possible the two cases are connected.

Gumshoe: So the stand thief is also the jewel thief?

Edgeworth: Agent Lang, my thoughts exactly. If you don't mind, we'd like you to lend us a hand with the investigations.

Lang: Hah, in that case, there's no helping it. It looks like we're also stuck deep in this trouble. And, it's possible it's tied to this case. There's some merit to digging around here.

Edgeworth: We appreciate it.

Larry: Everyone... Everyone's working together for my sake...! I knew friends were the best people in life!

Lang: We're not doing this for you.

Edgeworth: Well then, let's hurry and search the neighborhood.


Gumshoe: Heeey! Staaand! Come out, come out, wherever you are!

Edgeworth: Detective! We aren't searching for a lost dog or cat.

von Karma: So this case really is related to the band of thieves, is it?

Kay: Huh? It's the whip lady!

Edgeworth: Why is even Prosecutor von Karma here...?

Larry: Franny! Could it be, you've come here to see me?


Larry: Eek!

von Karma: It's only because I'm in charge of the case on the band of thieves.

Edgeworth: Is that so?

von Karma: Those thieves are the kind to use bombings to create chaos. We have yet to locate the bomb this time. That's what I'm now searching for.

Lang: So that's how it is. Fine, we'll team up.

Kay: Ah, there's someone there! Let's ask them about what happened yesterday! Excuse meee! We'd like to ask you a few things! So what happened here yesterday...?

???: What?

Larry: Bwaaah! It's the alien!

Edgeworth: No, it's...!

???: Oh, Edgey-poo! Have you come here chasing after me? You'd do anything to make this sweet old lady happy, wouldn't you? ...Wait, what the heck is wrong with my voice?

Larry: Oh, it's just the old bag.

Edgeworth: Y-you again! Why are you here!?

Oldbag: Aah-aah-ah-ah-ah-ah. Ah, fixed. I sniffed up a little of some weird gas.

Kay: Gas?

Oldbag: This thing.

Edgeworth: This is a gas mixture. It's used by divers who spend a long time underwater in areas where the water is deep. There's helium in it, so that's what changed your voice.

Oldbag: Edgey-poo! it must be Fate that led us to meet here! The two of us, Wendy and Edgey, struck by Cupid's arrows! Though we may be apart, like compasses, we point steadfast upon one another.

Edgeworth: J-just what is with that outfit?

Oldbag: It's a wetsuit, of course. I guess it's supposed to be my costume for today.

Larry: Oh, so it's for a job.

Oldbag: If it wasn't for work, I wouldn't even put this thing on. A smart hawk would hide its claws. I wouldn't just flaunt my beautiful body line to anyone! Well, if Edgey-poo wants to have a look, I wouldn't mind showing him! Only between Edgey-poo and I would we reveal ourselves to one another in secret! A

secret between only us, it's so exciting! So could I take a little peek?

Edgeworth: No, thank you!

Oldbag: Aw, shy as always.

Staff: Ms. Oldbag, what are you doing? Hurry up and get changed!

Larry: Huh? Is that one of the staff?

Oldbag: Get changed!? I've already done that!

Staff: What are you saying!? That's not the outfit! This is!

Oldbag: Ah? This isn't the right one?

Kay: Looks like she got a bit mixed up.

Larry: How'd you mix THAT up? Where did you even get that suit?

Oldbag: It was left over there. Talk about confusing. Who just left it there?

Gumshoe: Did someone forget it?

Edgeworth: Hmm... so that means someone had gone diving here.

von Karma: But swimming in this lake is prohibited; needless to say, diving.

Edgeworth: Not normally, anyway.

Oldbag: Never mind that, Edgey, help me take this thing off.

Edgeworth: Wh... why me!?

Oldbag: My, my, he's blushing! How cute.

Edgeworth: I-I am NOT blushing! We are very busy at the moment, so if you'll excuse us!

Oldbag: Oh, how cold. Well, that's fine with me too. I need to get back to work.

von Karma: I don't think I've ever met another such cantankerous old lady.

Edgeworth: Neither have I... thankfully.

Kay: Okay then, I'll try searching from above!

Edgeworth: Above?

Kay: There are lots of tall trees around here! I'll climb up and look around!


Larry: Whoa, Kay! You're like a ninja!

Kay: Heh heh! But I'm not a ninja, I'm a Great Thief! Wow, what a great view from up here!

Edgeworth: All the way up there... Kay, be careful!

Kay: I'm fiiine! ...Aaah!

Edgeworth: Did you see something?

Kay: I saw a huge crane out in the distance! There was that really big crane and a dump truck and stuff! What a thrill!

Lang: I know the feeling. The endless wilderness, and that moment when you touch the skies! The greatest thing about it is the feeling we humans get from it.

Larry: Oh, yeah. I saw that crane yesterday at the park too.

Edgeworth: The crane? It wasn't found on the park grounds, though.

Larry: Yeah, looks like it's gone today.

von Karma: I wonder if it was used in preparation of the festival.

Edgeworth: Hmm...

Kay: Aaah! I think I just had an idea! What if the criminal disassembled the cart and disguised it as a crane so they could move it out?

Edgeworth: As a crane?

von Karma: Why a crane?

Kay: 'Cause, it'd be cool if the cart could change into a crane! Clin-clank, clunk! That crane over there could actually be the cart we're looking for!

Edgeworth: Kay, you watch too many hero TV shows. Stay up there and keep searching.

Kay: Oof... okaaay, got it!

Gumshoe: Mr. Edgeworth, I also have an idea, sir!

Edgeworth: An idea?

Gumshoe: I'll be right back!


Gumshoe: I brought him, sir!

Edgeworth: Oh, it's Missile.

Missile: Yip! Yip yip yip!

Lang: I see. You're going to use a police dog.

Gumshoe: If it's Samurai Dogs we're looking for, just leave it to Missile! He'll sniff up the scent and dig 'em out!

Larry: But my stand flew up into the air, you know? That dog can't fly after it.

Edgeworth: If it really did disappear into the sky... well, we'll try looking around anyway.

Gumshoe: Missile, chase the smell of those Samurai Dogs! They're the dogs you ate before, pal!

Missile: Yip!

von Karma: He responded.

Edgeworth: He really likes those hot dogs, apparently.

Gumshoe: Whoa, what a tug! H-he's dragging me off!

*sniff, sniff*

Missile: Yip yip yip!

Lang: Looks like he found something already. Oh, and he's got it.

Gumshoe: Missile, show it here, pal! ...Whoa!

Missile: *snarf, gobble*... *gulp* <3

Larry: H-he ate it!?

Edgeworth: Again...? What a voracious sweet tooth.

Gumshoe: Missiiile! Don't eat it, pal!

Missile: ...Urf!! Blagh!

von Karma: He spit something out.

Gumshoe: Huh? There was something inside the dog... er, the hot dog.

Lang: What? ...This! It's a jewel! If it's in a place like this...

Edgeworth: It must be the jewel the thieves stole.

Lang: Yeah, no doubt about it.

Gumshoe: Really!? But what's it doing in a Samurai Dog...?

Lang: The thieves hid it. Lang Zi says: "Your important stash of savings goes in the refrigerator!" That is, it's an ironclad rule that people think of unexpected places to hide things they find precious.

Gumshoe: Even inside a hot dog, huh?

von Karma: If it's come to this, I wouldn't know where they could hide a bomb.

Lang: We'd better call for backup.

Edgeworth: Yes, we should.

Gumshoe: Seems like Missile hurt his teeth biting into a jewel. You can take the rest of the day off, pal.

Edgeworth: Is that so. Missile, thank you for your effort.

Missile: Awooo!


Kay: Whoa! What is that!? It's some amazing treasure, isn't it!?

Larry: Ah, Kay, welcome back.

Kay: Glad to be back! Mr. Edgeworth, I saw something suspicious while I was up there.

Edgeworth: Hm, is that so. We found this jewel inside a Samurai Dog. It looks like what the thieves hid.

Kay: Huh!? The thieves hid each and every jewel into a hot dog!? Wow, they must have had a lot of time!

Larry: And they did all that while I was heading for the toilet? Wouldn't that

be, well, impossible?

Edgeworth: Hmm...

von Karma: It's strange no matter what; as if the gears in the works aren't meeting.

Edgeworth: We need to reorganize our thoughts. Larry, please tell us again what happened yesterday when your stand was stolen.

Larry: Like I said. It was cold last night, so I headed for the toilets. And after that, I got kinda lost on the way back. I thought maybe it was because it was dark... Then, I somehow made it back, and that alien showed up, and then my cart flew up into the air! Toward the moon, like, whoosh!

Edgeworth: Wait a moment. What did you say just now? Go back to it again.

Larry: Go back? Umm...


Larry: Edgeyyyy!! Help meee!!

Edgeworth: You went too far back! That's the very beginning!

Larry: Huh? Then

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