Als ich nun wand're auf dem Pfad Und die Dunkelheit verhüllt Den Mondenschein der Licht mir gab Der das inn're Toben stillt
Suddently Along the mountainside Fog demons slowly rise Oh wanderer you'll see Your fate seems to be sealed by thee
As magic did weave On sanctified grounds He fell on this knees where he stood And blinded by those That have passed long ago Here in Gildeon's Woods As he turns his head Hurt by the beasts His heart - filled with fear For this is the end? Or will he find The way out of here
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine Et lux perpetua luceat eis Te decet hymnus, Deus, in Ithiria Sanctus Dominus Quid sum miser tune dicturus Requiem aeternam
Il mistero Valli di Ithiria
Deep inside the forest's heart Enchanted by the ones of ancient times Magic be their light That dimmers deep within
Night at Gildeon's Woods
Did you ever wander? And you got lost on secret paths? Did ever see them? Is purity within your heart? Then through the trees A light you may have seen That saved you from the dark
Wenn auch die Hoffnung in mir schwand Mit zitternd Hand mein Schwert ich zieh' Unterm finst'ren Himmelszelt Der Wölfe Hunger nie versiegt Ein Hieb, ein Schrei, ein Schmerz, ein Licht Doch es ist des Todes düstr'rer Schatten nicht
Gazing at the moons'silvery light Here, where history may fall Enter the realm of darkened might Courage may now be with us all In times of freedom, times of fear Mother death stands by their side An unicorn, so proud and clear Ride, when all the worlds collide
On my path...
Als ich nun wandre auf dem Pfad Folg' dem Lichte, das mich führt Als der Taverne ferner Schein Tief mein ängstliches Herz berührt...