We float in space and follow the pace of a clock designed by His Will Satan shall reap what God has sown Blackness comes, colors go
You run, you hide but Satan can find the cowards that live by His side The needle rotates, a lie it creates, but then it stands still and kills If heaven is here, it will stay here Hell is a place full of clocks
Satan is time Ο διάβολος είναι ο χρόνος Ο χρόνος είναι ο διάβολος
Irreversible time is smooth to the touch A reaper disguised as charm The pace Satan dictates, the much he creates A cycle of death and death
You run, you hide but Satan can find the cowards that live by His side, eat from His hand…
We float in space and follow the pace of a clock designed by His Will Satan shall reap what God has sown Hell is a place full of clocks