Did it live up to your expectations, has your selfbeen absorbed enough. Skin so thin, beauty just as deep. Cosmeticscalling your every bluff. X2 I'm dying to write the line thatruins you Sticks in your head and eats till it consumes you Didit live up to your expectations, has your self been absorbed enough ashallow indulgence of attention all you seek. Too good for thelegion of suitors at your fucking feet. You've always had onefinger on your ego, and all the rest shoved down your throat. You'vealways had one finger on your ego. X2 Did it live up to yourexpectations, has your self been absorbed enough a shallowindulgence of attention all you seek. Too good for the legion ofsuitors at your fucking feet Bitch you fucked up Eat away thepain of imperfection. Purging forth the latests fashion trend. Didit live up to your expectations, has your self been absorbedenough. Skin so thin, beauty just as deep. Cosmetics calling yourevery bluff. You've always had one finger on your ego, and all therest shoved down your throat. The closest you'll get to sleep, ison your back knuckles deep x2 Bitch you fucked up. Bitch youfucked up.