I see you, And pardon all the wrong I do. Blaming God, the truth? I can't exercise faith without proof. Infect the wound- don't soothe. This person I've become, so blue. Stay true, stay true! This person I've become so blue. Stay true.
Life happens. One day I didn't recognize my face, So weak, and so troubled. Afraid to move, Ashamed to stay still. In touch? Not me. Awake, but hollow.
So hollow.
I could use a change, I'm tired. Now I'm looking for something real! The wasted time to make ends meet, has satisfied my need to follow, My dreams. Which used to drive, Every step I would take. Shoved aside for all the wrong things! They're gonna set me free!
They'll set me free... If I open my eyes inside, And find the will to be, Honest, up front, insightful, Into others needs. Life's not gonna hold your hand, And make you be worth the fucking air you breathe. I hope I'm deemed worthy! The fuckin air I breathe!
I could use a change, I'm tired. Now I'm looking for something real! The wasted time to make ends meet, has satisfied my need to follow, My dreams. Which used to drive, Every step I would take. Shoved aside for all the wrong things! They're gonna set me free!
A ghost, I know I'm not the one I used to know. I can be, better than this man in the mirror....
Wait- I need, I need to recognize, Its hard to recognize, My own face. My knees, Are weak beneath a guise, Of strength, Has time taken flight? I don't know my fate. If I can't get it straight, I'll wake up old and grey, Sinister from this lack of change. This place, Has turned the boy with innocence, Into this sinful ugly mess. I beckon faith, unproved. so I can recognize, Its hard to recognize, my own face.
I could use a change. I could use a change.
I could use a change, I'm tired. Now I'm looking for something real! The wasted time to make ends meet, has satisfied my need to follow, My dreams. Which used to drive, Every step I would take. Shoved aside for all the wrong things! They're gonna set me free!