Bold, I must revel in the obliteration of the monotheist, so called mighty lord Crush all man, burn down the temple of hope Persecution of all your saint's ideals
Behold, the end of days awaits Whilst redemption now is at hand
The art of redemption The final battle is at hand Avenge me legions and hordes of abandon Triumphant in our stand
Confront me tyrant, absolve me messiah Defy, I shall defy all those whom choose the path of lies Lies, you cannot hide from nor deny I cast thee out, out amongst slaves Slaves amongst thieves, thieves amongst the fray Amongst the fray may vengeance destroy you all For victory now is within our grasp
The art of redemption The final battle is at hand Avenge me legions and hordes abandon Triumphant in our stand
The art of redemption With vengeance we shall command In discipline we revolt against the tyranny Defiant in our stand
Path of fury, wrath of many Insipid and insolent in our ways Destroy all with pure ferocity Vindication through annihilation
Redemption, retaliate Redemption, obliterate Redemption, annihilate Redemption, we rule this world