Our narrator wakes up smothered by darkness surrounding her from all sides.
She pulls herself out of bed
Looking outside her window she sees the seasons change and the people with it.
But she never does, she always stands there, watching outside her window.
The trees turn yellow and red and lose their leaves, snow falls, the sun comes out and the trees turn green again.
Inside everything is the same, all year around.
Our narrator pushes herself to face the mirror
She tells herself:
- This is the day - Today has to be the day. - Today is the day, today has to be the day when I let everything inside, today is the day. - Today is the day, today has to be the day when I make a difference - Today is the day, today has to be the day when I let everything back inside or not live at all.
Our narrator goes to bed covered in fear
She talks to the shadows as friends, pleading for them to end what was never started.
If she could have another chance she says, she would make it all differently.
In the mute darkness she gives herself another tomorrow.
She tells herself:
- Today is the day, today has to be the day - When I let it all in again. - Today is the day, today has to be the day when I change my life. - Today!
But her reflection just stares back without conviction and nothing ever changes.