A Fana-losse! Heri silma! Tari Eari pella Numenye! Calina men i ranyar sina mi aldarembea ambar! Fana-losse, a Varda Elentari, Calina men aldarembea ambar!
A Tintalle! Elentari! Silma hendulya, calima sulya. Fana-losse, laitammel Earen pella hairanoriesse. Len lirimme, a Varda Elentari, laitalinde hairanoriesse.
A eleni yar rende marya silala i Yenesse Alanarya, telpelossenen laiya calima mi surimar si tye cenimme. Fana-losse, a Varda Elentari, telpelosse calima cenimme.
A Elentari! a Tintalle! Sinome nu i aldali haya men enyalie mare silmelyo or i Eari Numenye. Enyalimme, a Varda Elentari, silme or i Eari Numenye.
Snow-white! Snow-white! O Lady clear! O Queen beyond the Western Seas! O Light to us that wander here Amid the world of woven trees!
Gilthoniel! O Elbereth! Clear are thy eyes and bright thy breath! Snow-white! Snow-white! We sing to thee In a far land beyond the Sea.
O stars that in the Sunless Year With shining hang by her were sown, In windy fields now bright and clear We see your silver blossom blown!
O Elbereth! Giltoniel! We still remember, we who dwell In this far land beneath the trees, Thy starlight on the Western Seas.