Old ItalianEdit Old Italian sectionEdit phone Send "Lucente Stella" Ringtone to your Cell phone Lucente Stella, che'l mio cor desfai Con nuovo guardo che move d'amore, Aci pietà de quel che per ti timore.
I ati toi dolce prometon salute A chi se spechia nello to bel viso. E bei ochi toi ladri e l'vago riso Furan mia vita per la lor vertute,
Merci mostrando de le mie ferute Ma poi pur provo che lo to valore Cum crudeltate struce lo mio core.
Lucente Stella ... phone Send "Lucente Stella" Ringtone to your Cell phone English TranslationEdit English Translation sectionEdit phone Send "Lucente Stella" Ringtone to your Cell phone Shining Star, that destroys my heart with a look, moved by love, Have pity on one that dies for you.
Your manner promises sweet salvation, for those that mirror themselves in your sweet face Were not your thieving eyes and the wondrous looks my entire life trough your virtue.
Mercy is shown towards my wounds and yet I feel that your sense (virtue) tears my heart to shreds.
Shining star ... phone Send "Lucente Stella" Ringtone to your Cell phone German TranslationEdit German Translation sectionEdit phone Send "Lucente Stella" Ringtone to your Cell phone Leuchtender Stern, der mein Herz zerstört mit neuem Blick, durch Liebe bewegt, Habe Mitleid mit dem, der für dich stirbt.
Deine Art verspricht demjenigen süsse Rettung, der sich in Deinem schönen Gesicht spiegelt Waren doch Deine diebischen Augen und der liebreizende Blick mein ganzes Leben durch Eure Tugend
Barmherzigkeit zeigt sich gegenüber meinen Wunden dennoch empfinde ich, dass Dein Sinn (Tugend) mein Herz zerreisst.