Work your fingers to the bone To get some money saved Everyday you're closer One step closer to your grave
Everybody wants some But I just want a taste It's hard to make a living In this day-to-day rat race
Everybody's got their hand out But as far as I can see I'm giving and their takin' Another piece of me
That's life Hard to believe That's life Who said it would be easy That's life Work your fingers to the bone To get some money saved That's life
The whole world's goin' crazy And there's hardly room to move And everytime you turn around You step on someone's shoes
People to the left of you And people to your right You're stuck in the middle Not a very pretty sight
And the fat cats just get richer All I want's an even shake And everytime I turn around Somebody's on the take
That's life It'll bring you to your knees That's life Squeeze ya till ya bleed That's life Don't look now but I think that Big brothers watching you That's life
Huh! Ha-ha! Yeah!
Nothing for nothing That's what you get N-n-n-nothing Without a little sweat
That's right
That's life And you hate the place you work at That's life And your boss is one big jerk That's life Gas, ass, or grass Nobody rides for free That's life Yeah, yeah, that' right That's life Stranger than fiction That's life Oh shit happens ya know That's life That's life