Norway by the moon and the sea Every night in my dreams A fresh catch from the heart of despair, Is welcomed in from the rain The Harvest shines blinding, She closes Her eyes, Against the rose-red stains Her likeness begins to glow Memories in bloom Autumn so gray I take Her west to feel the life slipping away Going, gone No one is around We go to the top where I cut out Her tongue A tragedy starts I invade Her cold legs then I spread them apart Scarlet woman She bleeds on my craft when I touch Her down below Shadows veil Her last screams in the silence of night I opened Her doors, came through Her blue lips twice, Then dragged Her down to the lake I clasped Her pale hand, Before throwing Her into the deep I can still feel the heat of our first kiss, our last kiss, That night, My climax, Her death Her nightmare waits for Her in the Winterland On the shores of Norway In Her haunted home, She reaches the end In Her haunted home, She dances with spirits again... I am not the same, Now that She has given me life again She will not be the same, After I take Her ghost by the hand Jera is carved Upon the crest of my heart Autumn stirs with new tears and new fears, Through a blindfold behind my closed door The night whispers again, As I draw heavy breath on the glass I do not know Her name, But I know She will not be the last Haunted Harvest Memory Glowing After Everything Shining Midnight Secrets Violets Below Skeletons