The six Saxons are led off by the priests, in order to be sacrificed. Exeunt omnes. A battle supposed to be given behind the scenes, with drums, trumpets, and military shouts and excursions, after which the Britons, expressing their joy for the victory, sing this song of triumph.
TENOR II "Come if you dare," our trumpets sound. "Come if you dare," the foes rebound. We come, we come, we come, we come," Says the double, double, double beat of the thund'ring drum.
CHORUS "Come if you dare," our trumpets sound, etc.
TENOR II Now they charge on amain. Now they rally again. The Gods from above the mad labour behold, And pity mankind that will perish for gold.
CHORUS Now they charge on amain, etc.
TENOR II The fainting Saxons quit their ground, Their trumpets languish in their sound, They fly, they fly, they fly, they fly, "Victoria, Victoria," the bold Britons cry.
CHORUS The fainting Saxons quit their ground, etc.
TENOR II Now the victory's won, To the plunder we run, We return to our lasses like fortunate traders, Triumphant with spoils of the vanquish'd invaders.