01. Crass - "Punk Is Dead" 02. Captain Beefheart - "Bat Chain Puller" 03. Olympic Death Squad - "Show Your Age" 04. UK Subs - "She's Not There" 05. UK Subs - "Kicks" 06. UK Subs - "Same Thing" 07. Funkadelic - "Mommy, What's A Funkadelic?" 08. Pure Hell - "Noise Addiction" 09. The Fall - "Sleep Debt Snatches" 10. Black Ace - "I Am the Black Ace" 11. Charlie Parker - "Groovin' High" 12. Iggy Pop - "Eggs On A Plate" 13. Scott Walker - "Cossacks Are" 14. György Ligeti - "Presto" 15. The Mad - "I Hate Music" 16. Miles Davis - "Honky Tonk" 17. Velillahil Mesriku Vel Magrib Feeynema Tuvellu Fesemme Vechullah 18. Discharge - "They Declare It" 19. Black Randy - "Sperm Bank Baby" 20. Glen Branca - "Structure"