If you watch My Little Pony (Join the herd!) If the best one is Rarity (Join the herd!) If you've got nothing better to do (Join the herd!) If you don't mind a fic or two (Join the herd!)
Just a bunch of happy people Passionate about ponies Kinda weird you might say (NO!) That shit is fucking manly They fight against dragons, hydras And characters from Star Trek So stop pretending that you're a man And buy a toy and brush its mane
We don't care who you are or what you like to do We just want to love and tolerate the shit out of you Don't listen to the people who will call you a nerd, Just learn to love the cute ponies and come and join the herd
If you like how Sweetie Belle sings If you analyze everything If you think Rainbow likes fillies If you think Cupcakes is shitty
If you're scared people will think you're gay If they already thought so anyway If you get offended easily If you haven't lost your virginity
If you think you're superior Because you don't ship the mane six No better idea than to join us Online and talk about it
And if you think you're too smart To do this and want people to know it, Write a song about that And hope it'll be funny
We don't care who you are or what you like to do We just want to love and tolerate the shit out of you Don't listen to the people who will call you a nerd, Just learn to love the cute ponies and come and join the herd Just learn to love the cute ponies and come and join the herd
Bronies are the coolest people on this planet Because we've got no jobs Unemployed people can have 'em instead And because we forever will be lonely virgins Our children's education and drugs You won't have to pay
If you like to criticize If you've noticed Applejack can lie If you really hate Merriweather And if you're not very good with girls
PMVs (join the herd) Good music (join the herd) Fanfics (join the herd) OC's! (join the herd)
Rule 34 (join the herd) Bikinis (join the herd) Fetishes (join the herd) Tara Strong (join the herd)
Pony rump (join the herd) Manchildren (join the herd) TF2 (join the herd) Trixie (join the herd)
Appledash (join the herd) Marshmallows (join the herd) Futashy (join the herd) Bronycon (join the herd)
We don't care who you are or what you like to do We just want to love and tolerate the shit outta you Don't listen to the people who will call you a nerd, Just learn to love the cute ponies and come and join the herd
We don't care who you are or what you like to do We just want to love and tolerate the shit outta you Don't listen to the people who will call you a nerd, Just learn to love the cute ponies and come and join the herd