The woman is gone she's out for the night. By the time she gets back I'll be a slobbery sight. The day was long. My porch be nice. Stryro cooler and lots of ice. Attack! Attack! Attack the 30 rack! You can have your 6, 18, and 12 I'm drinking 30. You can have your 6, 18, and 12 I'm drinking 30 by myself. My myself. I may be a wizard. I may be from space. The rules are the same. Now I'm shitfaced. Attack! Attack! Attack the 30 rack! So if you need me ya know where I'll be. If you're coming by bring another 30. Another 30. I may be a wizard. I may be from space. The rules are the same. Now I'm shitfaced. Attack! Attack! Attack the 30 rack!