I get mean when I get smart And when I set my mind to it there's little I can't pick apart I've been known to erupt and self-destruct So you should keep a safe distance Or I may drag you into this abyss without you realizing it Always thinking but never full Forever unaware that there's a world outside of my skull
I recall what a psychiatrist once said Of the things I'd rather not forget She taught me this subconscious trick, taught me to write them down in red Said that way they'd "stay stuck in my head"
So often I'm surprised By some of the thoughts that come leaking through my lips at times If I invite you in with a slight grin then it's a masterful disguise Perfectly masking the malevolence hidden behind my down-turned eyes And I have rows of teeth behind my teeth to make the most of every bite And I could drag you so far underneath that you could only dream of light
I am not the type who easily forgets No I relish my regrets But I took her up on that advice and wrote all my misdeeds in red To be sure they stay stuck in my head
A growing list of my dead ends And an ever shrinking list of friends It's a sour, smirking resentment