[Verse 1] You put Your love on the line To bear the weight of sin that was mine Washing my river of wrongs Into the sea of Your infinite love
[Chorus] With arms held high Lord I give my life Knowing I'm found in Christ In Your love forever With all I am In your grace I stand The greatest of all romance Love of God my Savior (Oh You're my Savior, Jesus)
[Verse 2] Mercy roars like hurricane winds Furious love laid waste to my sin
[Chorus] With arms held high Lord I give my life Knowing I'm found in Christ In Your love forever With all I am In your grace I stand The greatest of all romance Love of God my Savior (Oh your love Jesus)
Come on we sing to the One
[Bridge] To the One who has rescued my soul To the One who has welcomed me home To the One who is Savior of all I sing forever To the One who has rescued my soul To the One who has welcomed me home To the One who is Savior of all I sing forever
(Oh we sing to you Jesus, Jesus)
[Chorus] With arms held high Lord I give my life Knowing I'm found in Christ In Your love forever With all I am In your grace I stand The greatest of all romance Love of God my Savior
[Bridge] To the One who has rescued my soul To the One who has welcomed me home To the One who is Savior of all I sing forever To the One who has rescued my soul To the One who has welcomed me home To the One who is Savior of all I sing forever