I was weeping. Still, I was weeping, In a world unnoticed by other’s eyes. And then, I know shame, and If I become miserable, Everything will have started to turn
This heart is always trying to fill something, I was met with hardship, and there was no helping it.
How about we kill off things like reason, Vigilantly like a tiger, taking aim, taking aim This mouth is always drawing near to somebody And making me meet with hardship.
I run my tongue over the blood of a coloured sasanqua flower And turn towards taht resentful Gaze.
I was weeping, still, I was weeping. In a world unnoticed by other’s eyes And then, I know shame, and if I become miserable Everything will be starting to turn.
I embrace the back of this Darkened fallen angel And I gently whispered Deep in his ear.
Don’t go, don’t go already. More than now, I’ll become smarter, I’ll become kinder, I’ll become stronger, And I’ll kill anything that gets in our way.
Now, I was weeping, still, I was weeping. In a world unnoticed by other’s eyes And then, I know shame, and if I become miserable Everything will start to turn