Ohayo today! Practice in the morning And my hair looking oh so very OK! It's Friday today, he should be on his way Well, I guess I kinda wanna see his face
Ohayo - to you on every Friday All I want's to be with you every day Ohayo - to you on every Friday All I want's to be with you every day
8 o'clock right on time, today's a bit warm He is where we will meet - on this #2 platform. Everyone on the train drooling falling asleep Such a daily routine
Right at 8:07, in #2 train The guy right across me, my eyes meet his gaze Don't know the rreasons why how he captured my eyes filled me with butterflies...
All I need just a simple greeting to begin with No way I can't do this... Even though we're in the same school uniform somehow It's still hard to say it out
Ohayo to you! I keep on rehearsing Trying to be an optimistic new me I have to give it all I got this Friday Cuz I can't see your face for the next two days!
Just a glimpse of your shiny smiling face I'd be full of life all the way keep going \"This time I think I have to give it a go!\" Nobody heard me, but I let it out. UH OH!
Ohayo - to you on every Friday All I want's to be with you everyday Ohayo - to you on every Friday All I want's to be with you everyday
8 o'clock here again, nothing would go wrong Doki doki I am on this #2 platform A little disapporting today the sky seems to be About to cry for your sake
Almost 8:07, I gotta focus Give me a second to get ready for this moment Maybe I should be too overly nervous And learn to let it be..?
Hiding from the rain after class I walked up to you: \"You can use my umbrella...\" All embarrassed I just stood there looking down on my shoes Thinking that: \"I made the shoot!\"
\"Arigato\" sounded a little clumsy But it was the first time that you talked to me Yes, now I have to show you all that I can Otherwise it's gonna be another weekend!
For this day to come, I've been waiting too long Everything will be no problem from now on \"Next week I'll give it all I got from Monday\" Nobody heard but I'll do what I say