Tons of dollars, we will soon one one become those who are called robots .not Rhymeit Head in search of permanent benefits write and reads Rights Are you playing by the rules of the game. you know my name ? gangsters, graphics, traffic more graffic Faceted glass of South Africa. Antarctica Kings, barrels, beware - I millionaire little did anyone get up on the way .. I pshikat yourself spray Припев I have no money because I killed. they think that their job fulfilled(they are right) but not saved us a crisis. on the street 100 degrees .
Donors with ambition, someone guide us I know how to behave introduce Experiments we replace copies I want to feel express We become thoughtful views new from head to toe wrapped credits. steep hits Just ahead of two ways - I gather bouquets to go where everyone goes or go alone. it s not gone Military laws of the world we have abolished we have with Anton silhouette