The Revelation of Ringwraiths (Lord of the Rings OST)
??? Nêbâbîtham Magânanê We renounce our Maker. Nêtabdam dâur-ad We cleave to the darkness. Nêpâm nêd abârat-aglar We take unto ourselves the power and glory. îdô Nidir nênâkham Behold! We are the Nine, Bârîn Katharâd The Lords of Unending Life. ??? 00:55] Bârî [00:57] 'n Katharâd [01:00] Îdô [01:03] Nidir [01:06] nênâ [01:08] kham nêpâm [01:11] bârat [01:14] aglar
[04:36] Tinúviel [04:41] elvanui [04:45] Elleth alfirin [04:49] edhelhael [04:53] O hon ring [04:56] finnil fuinui [05:01] A renc gelebrin [05:05] thiliol