welcome to the dark carnival COME INSIDE and stay a while whether you like GAMES OR SIDESHOW FREAKS something here will MAKE you SMILE oh, think of all the FUN WE'LL HAVE soaring HIGH ABOVE THE GROUND you might just have SUCH A BLAST! that you'll NEVER come back down
welcome to the dark carnival YOU'LL HAVE SUCH a lovely time 'cause everything turns UPSUDE DOWN when the CLOWN runs out of SLIME it matters not what SIZE or shape YOU ARE all you freaks will fit RIGHT IN NOW to hell with these formalities LET THE CARNIVAL BEGIN!
now don't look so high and mighty it's my carnival you're in now before we all die of boredom let the carnival begin!
it matters not what SIZE or shape YOU ARE all you freaks will fit RIGHT IN NOW to hell with these formalities LET THE MOTHERFUCKING CARNIVAL BEGIN