Before my arrival they came down and feed me I opened my mouth and I let speak my mind They told me 'bout justice but all that seems lied I will not forgive and I don't want forgiveness
The sun moves close before it explodes The earth will freeze - they fall to my knees
Before my arrival they came down and feed me I opened my mouth and I let speak my mind They told me 'bout justice but all that seems lied I will not forgive and I don't want forgiveness
All this crap won't drag me down I will never live before it's gone Dead....I feel dead now
Until all our lives will fortunate and we will win We must learn to suffer and we must fill it with sin
Never lucky, always said Always pushing bullshit in my head Head....In my head now
Searching for an answer we're so close about to conk Weakening our brains because of feeding it with junk
Kill our minds Kill my mind
My eyes won't be paralyzed My ears won't be deaf to hear My mouth won't speak all out My face won't feel disgrace