Saturn is fallen, am I too to fall? Am I to leave this haven of my rest? This calm luxuriance of blissful light
All that is left of my lucent Empire Deserted, void, nor any haunt of mine The blaze, the splendor and the symmetry I cannot see, but darkness, death and darkness!
Despair not, oh Titan of the Sun We shall reforge your once glorious bastion And bathe in your everlasting strength
All of our ancestral powers lies shattered, forlorn and awaits our renewal Those who aspire wisdom and truth will immerse in his flames
Is this the end, or a new beginning? The worth of mine haven decreased Shall the sinful works of the evil bring the… Fall?
No by Tellus and her briny robes Over the fiery frontier of my realms I shall advance and bid Saturn to take his throne again