Ask and ye shall receive: It’s the thinnest crack of light in a life of too much flight, and it keeps you on and up and bottomed out and mostly down so let’s raise a glass to hope and keep re-reading everything you wrote because it makes more sense when senses are so much more less than sharp. I’ve a sinking setting thought that it might all be for naught but believe me when I tell you this can’t keep on going on because the days they pass so fast and if nothing’s going to last then let’s get our fill of life and love before this moment has passed. We’re too young and beautiful to sleep these nights away. Get up!
All this time and now I’m lost, dry and shuffling towards a frost that feels familiar in a way but in a way that probably costs. Costs a bit more than I want left emaciated and gaunt and never felt like I was anywhere or anything but caught. Because this sinking setting pose braced for time to take its toll becomes an ending in itself with virtues no one could extol. Oh, the days they pass so fast and if nothing’s going to last then let’s get our fill of life and love before this moment has passed. Get up!
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