What makes a servant more faithful? Some people think it's his Master’s fancy, In my case it's just a matter of being a penniless wretch, Not a matter of using the carrot and the stick. To be a widow providing for three children Means, at least I think so, A good spur to swallow and get used to All obscenities and filth I see. And I don’t deny that the fact of pretending To be “blind” and “deaf” Is a very good way to Make ends meet...
But... I would really like to let you know That I only enter the rooms where those “gentlemen” guzzle and have fun Just to do the cleaning. So don't expect me to tell you Any dirty gossip to drool over A mother should not even imagine That such things do exist But...
It happens that tonight there’s a big party At this villa in Torvajanica That “Great Lady” with a noble demeanor Is putting her cards on the table: A huge pile of white powder, And some young and easy sluts For the minister, the president of the bank And other influential and important clients. And there’s nothing that, without hesitation, These girls are not ready to do Longing for future careers Arm in arm with the Power...
But... Meanwhile there’s more champagne to be served One girl who wants to show up and draw attention to herself Decides that she must overdo it. And what happens?... She stands up laughing, Takes a breath, then she bends her head, Her nose dipping into a big heap of coke - She's risking her life, that silly goose! And then... She begins to grow pale, Kicking and choking, in a desperate need of air. She crashes face down on the floor, Turning blue
Then... We drag the poor thing out of the room: The shore is just a few steps away And, after all, she got what she deserved, they say... So it will be a child's play to solve the “problem” for this dirty clique, They'll surely call a brother** coroner Certifying about an imprudent footbath Alas, a fatal one!
It's very hard to imagine How ruthless some people can be On our way back I suddenly realize That I'm in the company of wolves... And now I'm afraid that getting rid of them And seeing them all hanged Will be very hard. The twenty years of those who came before Will just seem a few months in comparison...