Though we are many, we are one body, we who come to share this living bread; Cup of salvation, shared among all nations, nourishing us now and evermore.
1. We gather in this place round the table of the Lord. Christ’s presence is revealed in our communion and his Living Word.
2. Now our communion recalls Christ’s death and resurrection. This living sacrifice is our salvation now and evermore.
3. And through this shared Eucharist we are the living Church. We witness to Christ’s love His living body active in our world.
4. This bread unites the baptised who are called to this great feast. The feast, a sign of God's love, a great communion with the saints above.
5. And when we leave here today with hearts renewed in joy, So nourished, we will embrace the challenge now to live the Christian call.
6. As Patrick prophet of old trod the path we tread today, so we proclaim the Good News and share the living message with joy