Песня, которую #Iggу_Рор сочинил во времена записи "берлинский трилогии" и посвятил своему тогдашнему "роману с героином", называвшемуся на сленге торчков China White. Собственно текст песни и повествует об отходняках и блужданьях по Берлину в поисках очередной дозы "китайского снежка", когда #Iggy_Pop чувствует себя то трагическим актером вроде Марлона Брандо, то священной коровой, у которой в глазах плывут свастики.
I couldn't escape this feeling With my China Girl I'm just a wreck without My little China Girl I'd hear hearts beating Loud as thunder See the stars crashing
I'm a mess without My China Girl Wake up mornings, there's No China Girl I'd hear hearts beating Loud as thunder I'd see stars crashing down
I'd feel tragic Like I was Marlon Brando When I'd look at my China Girl I could pretend that nothing Really meant too much When I'd look at my China Girl
I'd stumble into town Just like a sacred cow Visions of swastikas in my head And plans for everyone It's in the white of my eyes
My little China Girl You shouldn't mess with me I'll ruin everything you are I'll give you television I'll give you eyes of blue I'll give you men who want to rule the world
And when I get excited My little China Girl says, "Oh Jimmy, just shut your mouth." She says, "Shhhh..."