Listen, my beloved. Listen, my beloved. Listen, my beloved ones, in whom I am well pleased. Listen, my beloved one. I knew what I was getting into when I called you; and I am not surprised with you now. I knew what I was getting into when I said your name; and still I said it just the same- I know you better than you do. I knew what I was getting into when I chose you; I chose you still. I knew what I was getting into; I know your frame. And I remember that you are but dust; but I know where this is going. I knew what I was getting into when I called you; I don't regret it. I am not shocked by your struggle; I am not put off by your struggle. I am not disgusted or ashamed of you, no. I knew what I was getting into when I chose you; and I said, He is my vessel, he Is my chosen one, she is my vessel, she is my chosen one... You see, it's not about you; it's all about Me. I chose you, and that's enough; and I'm gonna bring forth in love. I'm gonna bring you to the end, I'm gonna bring you to the end in strength 'cause I see strength in you; but all that you can see inside of you is your own weakness. Oh but I see the end from the beginning; and I know where this is going; and you've barely Just begun. But you see, you see, so few will ever fight the Good Fight. At least you're fighting; even when you feel you're losing. So few will ever enter Into the battle, but you refuse to quit! This is all I ask, this is all I ask. So few will ever look back at Me and say, I really wanna love You. But you say it every day, every day you say, I really wanna love You. And you cry, and you say, I'm so sinful, and I'm so full of compromise. And I see your confession, and it's real. And I still believe those vows you make you break you make you break. I still believe in you... I knew what I was getting into when I called you; and I called you just the same. I knew what I was getting into when I beckoned you; I still beckon you today. I am not surprised by your struggle, no. I am not disgusted by your discovery. You're the one that is surprised. In your pride you thought you were better than that. Listen, I see the seeds of righteousness in you. I've clothed you with the blood of My Son; and it's enough, it's enough, it's enough. Why are you trying to get in a room you're already in, you're already in? I am not surprised; I know you better than you know yourself. And you said, Yes; and so few do... Who is this? Who is this? Who is this as beautiful as Tirzah? Awesome as Jerusalem? Awesome as an army with banners? Who is this? Lovely as Jerusalem? Beautiful as Tirzah? Who is this? Look away from Me; your eyes, they overwhelm Me! Yes, your eyes, your eyes, they overwhelm Me! I sympathise with you; I know you're in a dark night of faith; and yet you still have faith, and so few do. You are My favourite one; you are the only one I see. You're the only one, My favourite one, you've ravished Me; dare to believe! I know you're disappointed with the way your life is coming down; and bitterness has tried to bite you like a plague. But you've fought, and you fight, and you press on, and you push, and you long, and you reach, and you mourn, and you hunger, and you thirst: that's all I ask of you; it's all I ask of you; it's all I ask of you; It's all I ask of you.. Do you know the way this moves me? You've ruined Me; you ruin Me. Nothing can overwhelm Me, but you overwhelm Me! Your eyes are like doves eyes; your eyes are like doves eyes. You think that you waver in your vision; Oh but you come back again, and again, and again, and again. You didn't give up; you didn't give in; you didn't let shame pull you down. You didn't just hang up and say, I can't do it; it's too hard! You didn't accuse me of being too hard, no. You said, I want to try again; and you got up again, and again, and again. You repented again, and again, and again. It's all I ask of you; it&