Laying dead, my body broken, my soul in a state of possession Forms surround me watching over; I am lost beneath the mist It projects these 3 dimensional images pertaining to the judgment of my soul The gate has now opened directly in front of me; Pressure is building on my insides and suddenly I blast of through galaxies, piercing through the space/time continuum My shell is no more, melted away, a cosmic shell is all I remain, deeper and deeper I plummet to the wormhole I begin to fear for my existence, itís gathering the souls of all life forms across the universe I am one with them Instinctively I struggle, I cannot break free The darkness has ingested me I enter the blackened dominium of the serpent headed god A grim realization that this is hell and I have ceased to be With the size of a titan, his scales like iron, and breathing fire I kneel before the throne of the iguanid lord He speaks without words but instead through holographic imagery I am damned; my soul is doomed to spend all eternity wandering the hall of this labyrinth Awaiting my time to be reanimated, I am a prisoner in this new world, a slave to the lizard king Following command, Fulfill his bidding, I must complete the tasks Weaving the weak minded from the earth realm, only the strong will be reborn Eternity passes by me over and over again; Light pierces through the ceiling in a single beam Surrounding my discarnate self and piecing my organs together like intricate fibers Levitating through this massive structure and blasting off through galaxies, piercing through the space/time continuum My shell is reborn, resurrection I awaken unchanged through the eyes of my former self.