Every single person looking at me Every fucking tiny person looking at me And judging what, by my weird look, and say im highly dangerous to society, wtf you lying here, what should I come up to you and say my background to you, and explain why im rude, its my life I cant change it can you not understand im fucked up in the head thats why call myself im mad man
So 10 days past, since I tweet Im done, and no one gives a fuck, does anybody know That im hanging up today, please do come itll be so great, theres food there, and durex so you can fuck a slut for free ey Now thats what people like ey Why the fuck should I care What will this freak say How Oh no I dont care ey
This is not what you think I'ma be This is not an intended stab in her see It was all just a play and no worries im psyco Although I remember raping a 5 girls