Feeding to survive. Have an easy dive. Something that you hive Сan easily fructify.
Chilling dancefloor moving with me, you're no living, living oh it's so hard to see . Spinning instead of living, burning before releaving. Aint no right, that's not right, no. Living without believing. Entering before releaving. That's not right, oh no right. No.
Its mine and point of view. Have a nice review! True and hard for few. More than just for you.
Chilling dancefloor moving with me, you're no living, living oh it's so hard to see . Spinning instead of living, consumption before releaving, that's no right, oh no right,no. Living without beleaving. Entering before releaving. That's no right. Oh no right . No.
Spinning instead of living, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning...