it is a pity that she never sees so many faces he hides from her and he is as amphibious as they come and as they come he's promising her everything everything oh, if she only knew everything and he thinks he is so pretty, but he never sees his own reflection staring right-back at him the water's always rippling shimmering
and i won't see things his way no, i don't know him i don't owe him anything
she loves him he's not there amphibious everywhere everywhere
she wants to leave and she wants to believe the countless lies he tells her and she tells a few herself but, let me say in her defense she lies in self defense it's a pity that she's never been to many places he hides from her he says he loves her yeah he tells us all that
when she wakes up she'll leave leave she's going to leave him leave him
she loves him he's not there amphibious everywhere everywhere everywhere
it's not the mere fact that she's reptilian though you'd think that it would be wouldn't you? it's in the way he takes the way she gives so willingly as they've done all their lives
she loves him he's not there amphibious everywhere you know, she'll wait there or anywhere and everywhere anywhere everywhere everywhere everywhere