1 Yen 5 Yen 10 Yen 50 Yen 100 Yen 500 Yen 1,000 Yen 5,000 Yen 10,000 Yen 50,000 Yen 1,000,000 Yen As much as you can bring! Give me a donation, a donation Yen Dollar Franc Mark Rupee Won't you give me any donations? Foreign money works too, y'know This is a shrine; are you making fun of us? At shrines, you give donations Get to work! Spirits and humans have gotten lazy They can't remember the feeling of thanks The spirit of almsgiving Don't worry about whether it will do you any good Just put in some money, already Don't argue, just do it! Put the money in and ring the bell Bow twice (yes, yes!) Clap twice (clap clap!) Please God P-l-e-a-s-e Please give me donations Crowns, Keros, Ganbos, Dedens Put a donation in, okay? A donation If not then work! This is a shrine, do you understand? At shrines, you give donations The value of faith is economic strength! Phantoms and humans are beginning to forget Remember the role of a shrine And believe it in your heart Your blessing will probably be a single bomb Put money in with all your might Put in all you've got, no sense arguing about it! Put the money in and ring the bell Bow twice (yes! yes!) Clap twice (clap! clap!) It's a miko's pestering Pes-ter-ing Give me a donation, a donation Yen Dollar Mark Franc Rupee Won't you give me any donations? Gil, Gamels, Zeny, Mels Give me a donation! A donation! Money, money, money, money Put a donation in, okay? A donation! This is a shrine, do you understand? At a shrine, there are donations We'll accept any kind of money 1 Yen 5 Yen 10 Yen 50 Yen (Money money money money) 100 Yen 500 Yen 1,000 Yen 5,000 Yen (Money money money money) 10,000 50,000 100,000 500,000 (Money money money money) 1,000,000 5,000,000 donations (Moneeey!) Yen Dollar Franc Mark Rupee (hai hai hai hai) Gil, Gamels, Zeny, Mels (hai hai hai hai) Crowns, Keros, Ganbos, Dedens Look at our exchange rates! We favor high yen profits! What the hell kind of money is this? Give me a donation, a donation Yen Dollar Franc Mark Rupee Won't you give me any donations? Crowns, Keros, Ganbos, Dedens Give me a donation, a donation If not, then work! Put a donation in, okay? A donation If you don't have any, go home! Donation
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