You're at the window in your room, thoughts coming up just like a zoom You're looking through the window pane and you see a kind of deepness giving glory to that endless night of the shining stars
You feel how right beside your head there is a certain power that gives to a flame the heat of life and you're watching all its trouble its effort and its struggle, yes it's destiny
Then you remember a good past, things important, things at last that you'll never lose The city seizes all your dreams and gives them back to you. it seems as if the night was carring the light
You want to know where all the day, the things that happened hide away you see the stars above you when you hear some people singing and you hear some churchbells ringing, calling to come in
Memories now come near of the first time you stood here you feel again the silence, the impressions of some nights ago, the light was also burning low here in this room.