Päikese väsinud pihud silusid pärnade päid, Härdad minekumõtted ladvalehisse jäid. Nende all elusaid radu elusail jalul käid, Oma naost, oma nimest sootuks loobuda täid, Nende all elusaid radu käid, Oma naost, oma nimest loobuda täid.
Leiad end puude hulgas, tuulepesade hulgas, Leiad end põõsaste hulgas, linnupesade hulgas. Puude pikkade varjude peale ei söanda sa astuda, Neil võib ju valus olla, kui sa nende peal käid Kui sa nende peal käid.
Tired palms of the Sun were smoothing the basswoods heads Tender thoughts of the past still there in the treetop's leaves Paths of life below them you can walk alive today
And your face and your name you ought to give away Under them walk the paths that live Your face, your name doesn't matter a thing
Find yourself among the trunks and treetops Among the bushes and bird-nests You don't dare to step on the shadows of the trees Anymore, they might be hurt By your walk... by your walk