Alvin: Oh my gosh! She's beautiful! Theodore, you took Spanish. How do you say...\"Your face shines brighter then the sun\"?
Theodore: Uh...Um...well...
Jaci: Ready guys?
All: Christmas, Christmas time is near Time for toys and time for cheer We've been good, but we can't last Hurry Christmas! Hurry fast! Want a plane, that new ska-loo
Alvin: Me, I want a date with you
All: We can hardly stand the wait. Please Christmas don't be late!
Theodore: Alvin! [whispering]
Alvin: Oh Jaci! Tu cara luce como calabasa quemada
Jaci: My face looks like a sun burnt pumpkin?!?
Alvin: No! NO! Theodore!!
Theodore: Oh...Uh...Sorry. Uh....try [whispering]
Alvin: Uh Jaci! Haha darling, tu cara es suave como chiquele de masca!
Jaci: face is soft like bubblegum...great...
Simon: Uh, Alvin. Theodore failed Spanish!
Alvin: What?!?
Jaci: Guys, can we just sing the song?
All: Want a plane, that new ska-loo
Alvin: I still want a date with you!
All: We can hardly stand the wait. Please Christmas don't be late! We can hardly stand the wait. Please Christmas don't be late!
Alvin: Uh Jaci...what I meant was...
Jaci: Alvin, I'm not interested in anymore of your...uh...compliments...OK?
Alvin: Jaci, please! Your face is...hotter than the sun!
Jaci: Alvin!
Alvin:! I mean...your face is blistering me with love!
Jaci: Alvin!!
Alvin: Jaci please! My words are jumbling...tongue...I...please...I...just bear with me!