I put you on my shoulders then I combed my hair, because you asked for it. I gave you my jacket when you felt cold It smelled feminine afterwards, I drove you home and waited till you turn on the light in your room. (3)
This is not a fundamental feeling But I believe in my feelings You cursed the hell out of me we got in trouble, and I didn't ask for it. (1)
I suggest that you do the easy thing for both us, If we have eye contact , let it not be more than four seconds, Or I would be able to see through you you will respect me but I will not respect you and get lost! (2)
Although it's not your fault, I am just afraid of getting used to you I get mad if I call you and you dont answer you say that you like my voice And you will become my dearest friend But my friend helps me push my car even if it's too late at night (2 million o'clock!)
From the first time I saw you I should have turned my back and fled, and ran far away I didn't know that I would love you as I m afraid of commitment (2)
JadaL-Ana Bakhaf Min El commitment [Official ... http://fb.com/jadalband | http://jadalband.com English subtitles / Translation in the video (Press ...
JadaL (Live) - Ana Bakhaf Min El Commitment أنا ... JadaL (Live) - Ana Bakhaf Min El Commitment أنا بخاف من الكوميتمنت Amman 4-4 -2015.
Jadal - Ana Bakhaf Min El Commitment Lyrics ... Jadal - Ana Bakhaf Min El Commitment Lyrics. kareem hassan. Subscribe ...
Jadal - Ana Bakhaf Min El Commitment Symbol ... أنا حطيتك عكتافي ومشطت شعراتي لأنك حكيتي بردتي أعطيتك جكيتي صارت ريحته ستتاتي أنا وصّلتك عالبيت واستنيت لضوى ضو غرفتك هاد ...