look about and try just to be try to find out try to believe in what you see look about and try just to wait say what you found? what did you take and what you gave?
do you have just another chance to try to find another sweet romance to try to make just another dance or some advance?..
nothing here but you nothing here to do nothing here to be nothing here is true there's nothing, do you see? try to be.
look about and try just to take hopeless sound is it true or only fake? look about and try just to start say what you found? what do you think, is it enough?
if you just understand the nature of your fire if you just can embody your desire maybe you can be not alone if you just understand the nature of your soul if you just cannot stop and can just go maybe you can go on if you just understand mistakes on your way if you just can recover it today maybe you're not so wrong but look about and go out from your long sweet song real life's go on!