You give your hand to me And then you say, "Hello." And I can hardly speak, My heart is beating so. And anyone can tell You think you know me well. But you don't know me. --------------------------------- No you don't know the one Who dreams of you at night; And longs to kiss your lips And longs to hold you tight For you I'm just a friend. That's all I've ever been. Cause you don't know me. --------------------------------- For I never knew the art of making love, Though my heart burnes with love for you. Afraid and shy, I let my chance go by. A chance that you might love me too. ---------------------------------- You give your hand to me, And then you say, "Goodbye." I watched you walk away, By someone else's side You'll never ever know The one who loved you so. Well, you don't know me ------------------------------- For I never knew the art of making love, Though my heart aches with love for you. I was afraid and shy, I let my chance go by. A chance that you might love me too - You give your hand to me, And then you say, "Goodbye." I watched you walk away, And teardrops feel my eyes You'll never ever know The one who loved you so. Well, you don't know me (you don't love me, you don't know me)
Janis Siegel - You don't know me.wmv This video is unavailable. You need Adobe Flash Player to watch this video. Download ... Janis ...
Janis Siegel - All the Love in the World (1982) You need Adobe Flash Player to watch this video. .... Los Angeles Jazz Ensemble (with Janis ...
IU Vocal Jazz Ensembles ft. Janis Siegel - The Boy ... This video is unavailable. You need Adobe Flash Player to watch this video. ... Jazz Ensembles ...
Janis Siegel -- Small Day Tomorrow You need Adobe Flash Player to watch this video. .... Janis Siegel A TRIBUTE TO THE ...