"you're dumb" "U try too hard" "just stop" "Ugly" "frump a dump" "You are a stupid (no sabes cantar mas te gustaria cantar como corey taylor jajjajajjajaj)" "You have problems xD xD xD" "You are NOT metal your a swagfag cunt!" "You suck and you look like a moron bouncing around like a fag in a empty room." "worse vocals ive seen on youtube" "Well, this was pretty painful." "what a fucking douchebag" "and another coreshit clown ! false metal cancer" "it's great and all... but who the hell taught you to hold a mic? or pose in front of a camera? you actually danced XD" "this is why you are my favourite dauhher" "Now I know that you don't know what the fack are you doing..." "One big piece of shit." "you're just disgusting , it is impossible for you to watch on your voice just sick , kill yourself on the wall)))" "NO" "Fake..." "Gay." "sweet inhales" " Go die. You are stereoyypical. That's not right. /.\ learn some respect for us and our music. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean we don't. swerwe. Fucking idiot." "Why is this dog barking ....it looks like he's joking on dick .." "Ummm.. Your highs... Sound like a dying pterodactyl." "I'll top this hold up" "you look = clown jajaja dumb" "Your stupid. As fuck you big fat turd" "QUUUUUAAAACKKKK!!" "somebodies gonna lose their voice...." "So stupid" "disnay's the kid. bad vocal tone for this type of music. decent screams even if they are slightly shallow." "Did Arnold Schwarzenegger just have an orgasm in my ear?" "has anyone ever told you you look like caleb shomo from beartooth?" "post something raw. fo realz doe it don't look real homie g" "This is good, but not as brutal as Alex Tenbble's. He wins. lol" "Is this a joke?" "search pornogrind and se what happens." "Wtf?" "ha gaaaay!" "BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO too much glory" "Looks like you're lip synoing. haha" "Stop doing vocals and start doing push ups fattie <3" "All metal is complete shit compared to Justin Biber's music."