From Jasmuheen's Life & Love album - musical satsang format.
Individualized within, the vast, oneness game, enjoying many flavours, for none are the same, it is up to each one, to call sweeter layers in. We know when we focus, be clear, we will bring, a matching and merging, to us all once again, if our hearts are open, to this thought plane, which we have willed, to be manifest to feel, so that Grace will then come, to make it all real.
Anything we long for, we've said this we know, that is good for each other, and evolutions flow, will be cosmically supported, in amazing ways, we can relax and trust this, move on as we pray. Know what we are here for, each part that we play, then do it with perfection, to the end of our days.
When time is complete, we then all move along, to another dimension, that has its own song. So much has been written, as many do tell, on re-incarnation, and its return to life spell.
Energy changes, science knows this so well that it changes form and can move on to dwell, in other spaces, that can take its beat, when a body breaks down, its maker it meets. Going back to the Earth, back to Gaia, without our spirit, which is now far freer.
No longer confined, contained in that space body-less now and, flying with grace. Feeling supported by all that we are to mirror consciousness held before, prior to birthing, we were energy flows, beings far greater, than any can know. To be pure spirit, with no more expecting, for our spirit's pulse, is always resurrecting.